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Il Corso
Qui trovate una lista di informazioni inerenti al corso di laurea, come il piano di studi e i requisiti per effettuare il test d'ingresso. Troverete anche una sezione dedicata agli sbocchi istituzionali derivanti dal corso di laurea.
ANNUNCIO: Vi ricordiamo che ogni studente può rivolgersi a due docenti tutor: la Prof.ssa Bianchi e un docente a scelta dello studente relativo alla seconda lingua . I docenti tutor sono sempre a vostra disposizione in caso di dubbi relativi al percorso di studi. Per segnalazioni di problemi specifici, trovate invece i contatti sulla pagina web (v. Informazioni e segnalazioni di non conformità).
Piani di studio per anno di immatricolazione
Livelli linguistici previsti all’interno del corso LM/94. I docenti non sono esaminatori del Quadro comune europeo di riferimento per la conoscenza delle lingue (QCER), la tabella sotto è indicativo e non può essere interpretato come ufficiale.
LINGUA | LM94 Test d'ammissione | LM94 | |
indicazione soglia | anno 1 | anno 2 | |
ARABO | B1 | B1/B1+ | B2 |
CINESE | B1+ | B2 | B2+ |
FRANCESE | B2 | C1 | C1/C2 |
GIAPPONESE | A2+ | B1 | B1+ |
(N3) | (N3) | (N3) | |
INGLESE | B2 | B2+: 18-24 | B2+: 18-23 |
C1: 25-28 | C1: 24 -28 | ||
C1+:29-30 | C2: 29- 30 | ||
RUSSO | B1 | B2 | B2+/C1 |
SPAGNOLO | B2+ | C1+ | C2 |
TEDESCO | B2 | B2+ | C1 |
La verifica della personale preparazione delle conoscenze per l'accesso al Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Traduzione Tecnico-scientifica e Interpretariato è obbligatoria. Di norma, è consentito l'accesso ai laureati nei Corsi di Laurea Triennale che abbiano acquisito conoscenze e competenze assimilabili al livello C1 del Common European Framework of Reference per l'inglese (o italiano per gli studenti stranieri) e B1 o B2 (a seconda della scelta) per la seconda lingua, livello generalmente raggiunto dagli studenti al termine della laurea triennale.
Il test d'ingresso solitamente consiste in una prova orale in lingua inglese e nella seconda lingua (se diversa dall'inglese) che attesta, tramite un colloquio libero, il livello di comprensione e di produzione della lingua in questione e, tramite esercizi di 'traduzione a vista' su testi presi da giornali o da manuali di lingua, le competenze traduttive. Qui di seguito, alcuni esempi di prove da utilizzare per la prova della traduzione a vista: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Oa5jYF9ZQLCtkf_3lFEhlwxwmqZCbm89/view
Le conoscenze richieste per l’accesso e le caratteristiche del test di ingresso sono stabilite per l’anno accademico successivo nel bando di ammissione, pubblicato sul sito della Facoltà.
Di seguito, viene indicata la percentuale di studenti ammessi al corso di laurea dal 2014 a oggi:
Periodo | Candidati | Studenti ammessi | Percentuale ammessi |
lug-17 | 20 | 11 | 55% |
set-17 | 29 | 17 | 58% |
dic-17 | 23 | 14 | 60% |
apr-18 | N/D | 9 | N/D |
lug-18 | 14 | 4 | 28% |
dic-14 | 26 | 19 | 73% |
set-18 | 20 | N/D | N/D |
set-14 | 31 | 18 | 58% |
apr-14 | 8 | 3 | 38% |
apr-15 | 10 | 5 | 50% |
dic-18 | 22 | 16 | 72% |
Totale | 203 | 116 | 57% |
N/A= not available
1) April 2014 LM94
8 candidates / https://www.letterelinguebbcc.unisalento.it/news/-/news/viewDettaglio/46333318/852109 3 admitted students
2) September 2014 LM94
31 candidates https://www.letterelinguebbcc.unisalento.it/c/document_library/get_file?uuid=0a620ae6-dc47-4cf9-bae5-
a62a37959ab5&groupId=852109 18 admitted students
3) December 2014 LM94 https://www.letterelinguebbcc.unisalento.it/news/-/news/viewDettaglio/54068742/852109 26
candidates https://www.letterelinguebbcc.unisalento.it/c/document_library/get_file?uuid=d195126e-05c6-4d40-a398-
30bb35f49410&groupId=852109 19 admitted students
4) April 2015 LM94 https://www.letterelinguebbcc.unisalento.it/c/document_library/get_file?uuid=61feeb93-0e41-495a-a4dc-
97c6aa1eb70a&groupId=852109 10 candidates https://www.letterelinguebbcc.unisalento.it/c/document_library/get_file?uuid=e0a52f04-
7fe0-4d8f-b5e0-efc6199054a3&groupId=852109 5 admitted students
5) September 2017 LM94 https://www.letterelinguebbcc.unisalento.it/c/document_library/get_file?uuid=b0383853-82bc-47b7-
8631-336f4172f252&groupId=852109 29 candidates
8b6b8e707981&groupId=852109 17 admitted students
6) December 2017 LM94 https://www.letterelinguebbcc.unisalento.it/c/document_library/get_file?uuid=d5d0f2d9-d043-47b6-
bb37-286571f881ba&groupId=852109 23 candidates
e8d1411b8f54&groupId=852109 14 admitted students
7) April 2018 LM94 https://www.letterelinguebbcc.unisalento.it/c/document_library/get_file?uuid=155360a9-eaa4-43aa-ae7d-
1818ed5e0361&groupId=852109 9 admitted students (no data available about the number of candidates)
8) July 2018 LM94 https://www.letterelinguebbcc.unisalento.it/c/document_library/get_file?uuid=12af0290-86d8-4de0-a4d2-
5bb34cdbee07&groupId=852109 14 candidates
a58d0ab8b14f&groupId=852109 4 admitted students
9) September 2018 LM-94 https://www.letterelinguebbcc.unisalento.it/c/document_library/get_file?uuid=4f4cf943-8282-48f2-9dc3-
1a5e9a9e5557&groupId=852109 20 candidates / No data available about the number of admitted students
10) December 2018 LM94
9c067941d397&groupId=852109 22 candidates
0dafa4078458&groupId=852109 16 admitted students
Il corso prepara figure professionali nell'ambito della mediazione linguistica interculturale, scritta e orale, in grado di svolgere attività di produzione e traduzione multilingue e di interpretariato, nell'ambito sia di imprese private sia di istituzioni pubbliche e no-profit, nazionali e internazionali. In particolare le competenze a disposizione permettono di svolgere lavori e consulenze nei seguenti ambiti: traduttore di testi scritti, multimediali e audiovisivi; manager delle relazioni pubbliche; redattore e revisore di testi in lingua; interprete.
Ad esempio, prepara per:
- Traduzione tecnica
- Traduzione per il cinema e i prodotti audiovisivi
- Traduzione per il turismo
- Traduzione per il settore medico
- Interpretazione di trattativa e di comunità
- Mediazione linguistica interculturale nell'ambito delle attività ricettive
- Mediazione linguistica interculturale in ambito medico
- Redazione di testi tecnici in italiano e in lingua straniera
- Redazione di testi turistici in italiano e in lingua straniera
- Revisione di testi in lingua italiana e straniera
Per il CdLM in Traduzione Tecnico-Scientifica e Interpretariato (LM94) sono attive le seguenti collaborazioni / convenzioni con software house del settore della traduzione assistita al calcolatore (CAT). Per ogni azienda vengono di seguito indicati: gli applicativi software oggetto della collaborazione / convenzione, l’insegnamento nell’ambito del quale tali applicativi vengono trattati ed utilizzati, i docenti di riferimento, eventuali altri elementi specifici.
Azienda: SDL plc
Applicativi: SDL Trados Studio 2019 (con plugin – SDL Multiterm 2019)
Tipologia: piattaforma CAT desktop per traduzione assistita e gestione terminologie
Insegnamento: Laboratorio CAT (anno I, semestre II)
Docenti di riferimento: Ing. Marco Zappatore
Dettagli: 15 licenze di laboratorio per “SDL Trados Studio 2019 Professional”, licenza semestrale gratuita per “SDL Trados Studio 2019/2021 Freelance” per gli studenti del corso di Laboratorio CAT, possibilità di partecipare gratuitamente alle certificazioni professionali SDL per Trados Studio 2019/2021 e MultiTerm 2019/2021 per gli studenti del corso di Laboratorio CAT
Azienda: Kilgray
Applicativi: memoQ 9
Tipologia: piattaforma CAT desktop per traduzione assistita e gestione terminologie
Insegnamento: Laboratorio CAT (anno I, semestre II)
Docenti di riferimento: Ing. Marco Zappatore
Dettagli: 30 licenze di laboratorio per “memoQ 9”
Azienda: Memsource
Applicativi: Memsource
Tipologia: piattaforma CAT cloud per traduzione assistita e gestione terminologie
Insegnamento: Laboratorio CAT (anno I, semestre II)
Docenti di riferimento: Ing. Marco Zappatore
Dettagli: licenza accademica per avviamento professionale degli studenti alla traduzione assistita e alla gestione dei progetti di traduzione
Azienda: Plunet GmbH
Applicativi: Plunet 8
Tipologia: piattaforma cloud di Business Translation Project Management per gestione avanzata di progetti di traduzione e translation workflow
Insegnamento: Laboratorio CAT (anno I, semestre II)
Docenti di riferimento: Ing. Marco Zappatore, Prof.ssa Francesca Bianchi
Dettagli: licenza accademica
Azienda: Lokalise
Applicativi: Lokalise
Insegnamento: Laboratorio CAT (1° anno, 2° semestre)
Tipologia: piattaforma cloud collaborativa per localizzazione software (applicazioni per il Web, applicazioni per smartphone, videogiochi), traduzione assistita in ambito documentale e in ambito Internet of Things (IoT)
Docenti di riferimento: Ing. Marco Zappatore
Dettagli: licenza accademica annuale rinnovabile
Azienda: Phrase
Applicativi: Phrase
Tipologia: piattaforma cloud collaborativa per localizzazione software (applicazioni desktop, applicazioni per il Web, applicazioni per smartphone, videogiochi).
Insegnamento: Laboratorio CAT (anno I, semestre II)
Docenti di riferimento: Ing. Marco Zappatore
Dettagli: licenza accademica annuale rinnovabile
Azienda: Spot Software BV
Applicativi: Spot
Tipologia: programma desktop professionale per la sottotitolazione
Docenti di riferimento: Prof.ssa Francesca Bianchi
Dettagli: 11 licenze di laboratorio
Post Brexit fees confirmed for students studying at Essex. See below. Make sure you state that you are applying to Essex through a link partner University BY JANUARY of your first year in the MA course.
Double Degree (MA)
C1 level in English and in Italian
To already be refularly enrolled as a a student in the LM94 (Traduzione e Interpretariato) course at Salento or at Essex
The ability to pay the Essex course. The full cost for non-UK students is over £20,000, while the Double Degree students pay around 50%
2 degree certificates:
Laurea magistrale in traduzione tecnico-scientifica e Interpretariato (University of Salento)
Master Degree in Translation, Interpreting and Subtitling (University of Essex)
From the Essex site: https://www.essex.ac.uk/courses/pg00836/1/ma-translation-interpreting-and-subtitling
Essex created Youtube videos:
Ignazia PosedinU (Course coordinator and professor of Italian/English): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVNWVVuPE64
Reflections from students:
Overall view of the course: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aPR7bkw6ug
Italian/English https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2f8Iye6dQ4
German/English: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yal4BzxlKy0
French/English: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ihf2NIWfVfE
Salento created:
Interview between David Katan and Italian MA graduate (in Italian):
2. - Guaranteed completion of both degrees in 2 years (the actual degree ceremony is in October/November). This means you will not pay university fees for a third year, which is often the case remaining in Salento.
3. - Full immersion in Translation and Interpreting. One ancilliary option (including Literature inglese / or Psicologia del linguaggio) is not part of the course. This means that you only need to acquire 40 CFU (compared to 60 CFU following the Salento track) in the first year. Your second year will be identical to an Essex student’s course, and 30CFU (compared to 12 CFU) is awarded for the thesis, which will grow out of guided class work either in translation or in interpreting.
4. - Full immersion for 12 months in the UK to acquire C2 mastery in English, an in-depth understanding of British (and international) communication styles, of British culture with all its ethnic elements
5. - High visibility for the job market working in English. Whatever the Brexit agreements, you can still work with British clients.
6. - First class education facilities: library and computer labs open 24/7, individual mentoring ,
7. The experience of a lifetime!
Essex University was awarded “University of the Year 2018” according to the Times Higher Education Awards. SEE https://www.essex.ac.uk/news/2018/11/30/essex-is-university-of-the-year.
Their own site says the following:
Our MA Translation, Interpreting and Subtitling is the first of its kind to offer written translation, oral interpreting and film and video subtitling within a single course. This complete and integrated approach to language services is demanding but it provides you with the expertise to work as a freelance or in-house translator in business, film, TV or tourism.
We are a leading UK university for language and linguistics research (REF 2014), a place where talented students become part of an academic community in which the majority of research is rated ‘world-leading’ or ‘internationally excellent’ (REF 2014), placing us firmly within the top 10 departments in the UK and ranked among the top 150 Linguistics departments in the world (QS World University Rankings 2018).
If you want a global outlook, are interested in human communication, and want to study for a degree with real-world practical value in a world-class department, welcome to Essex.
Have a look at the Youtube videos (just search "Essex University interpreting") made by the Director Ignazia Posadinu and by other Essex students (including Italians) who followed the MA course at Lecce.
Also if you are interested write to me david.katan@unisalento.it for more information, for an appointment in my office or for contact numbers of previous students from Lecce going to Essex for an MA (for the moment non Translation/Interpreting students as this is our first year !)
(At Lecce). Selective oral language and translation test of Italian and English. Entry level for English is B2 for Italian students, and B2 for Italian for incoming Essex students
SEE https://www.letterelinguebbcc.unisalento.it/web/852109/772?articolo=2
(At Essex) Application through UCAS
Campus: City Hub – Lecce/ Campus, Colchester (Essex)
Career opportunities Translation and Interpretation, and related.
Course outline The course provides theoretical and practical skills in translation (transcreation, subtitling, CAT tools) and interpreting (dialogue, consecutive and simultaneous). Though the focus is principally on developing language, translation and interpreting skills there are also modules on principles of translation as well as core subject areas such as cinema, economics, sociolinguistics, tourism and intercultural communication. The thesis will be based on a classroom project.
Languages: English only; English plus French, German, Portuguese, Spanish. For the moment Arabic, Chinese, Japanese and Russian are not possible language combinations with Essex.
The only way to study them would one of the following options:
Your 1st year language is in the first semester and your 2nd year language is in the 2nd semester. This is highly unlikely, as it depends on the organisation of the timetable which has to fit a number of other needs.
After having finished (and obtained) your 2nd year in Essex, you take your 2nd year language course during what would be your 3rd year at Salento, and finish at the first available graduation ceremony after passing your 2nd language 2nd year course exam.
The course structure:
The courses in the first year include:
1 English course (Cross Cultural Tourism)
1 other 2nd Language course (English, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish)
1 Italian-English Tourism Translation (usually 2nd year for Salento students)
1 optional (Italian Sociolinguistics / Phonetics / Theory of Signs)
1 optional (Management / Digital Marketing
4 credits from any other Optional course
The courses in the second year include:
2nd language course (or Audiovisual Translation for English only)
1 Principles of Translation
1 Technologies of Translation
2 Translation practice (It-Eng-It)
1 Subtitling (It-Eng-It)
2 Interpretation practice (It-Eng-It)
For more detailed information regarding the Essex course modules and thesis See: https://www.essex.ac.uk/courses/pg00836/1/ma-translation-interpreting-and-subtitling
Students will normally take the LM/94 Admission Exam in September (or exceptionally in December) and will follow the Dual Degree Programme. Students will be expected to obtain all 40 CFU by the end of the Autumn exams (September) gaining at least 26/30 in Lingua Inglese. Essex University will arbitrate on any non-conforming cases.
Course timetable:
Year I: Salento 2021-2022.
Courses: September 2022- May 2023
Exams: June-August (with a pass in all courses. 40 CFU). NB. There must be a mark of minimum 26 for the course Cross Cultural Tourism (in Salento named Lingua e traduzione lingua inglese).
You can formalise your Essex path at any time from September 2022, and you can return to the Salento path at any time, with no penalty. All you need is a formal email to the Unisalento Secretary.
By January 2023 make an application to Essex https://www1.essex.ac.uk/pgapply/login.aspx to ensure the Fees (see at end). Early application has NO commitment attached, but does mean that you are informed about what to do next, and will give you more choice egarding accommodation possibilities
By August 2023 You MUST have your 40 CFU before you enter Essex, meaning that you must pass your exams during the Summer session. You will need to go to your personal Unisalento page > concorsi/immatricolazione > certificati > Autodichiarazione iscrizioni-esami ING print, sign and upload onto the Essex portal.
Year 2: Essex 2022-2023
Courses: September 4 2023 –May 2024
Thesis: June-September 2024 (with Essex)
Graduation: November 2024.
Thesis organisation:
In general all students (of Salento and of Essex) will write their Masters dissertation (average 16,000 words) at Essex. The student will hand in her/his thesis to the Essex supervisor (by end of September of the year in Essex). The thesis mark is worth a third of the final mark, and is divided into three levels: 50% (‘pass’) 60% (‘merit) e 70% (‘distinction’). After the marks have been presented to the board in Essex in November, a transcript is sent to Salento.
The Essex mark will be converted into CFU and added to the 1st year mark. To this final mark will be added:
1 point for the having completed the course within 2 years (‘in corso’)
1 point for having taken exams abroad
0,25 points for up to 4 exams for every “lode”
Graduates will also have the option to take part in the thesis viva ceremony at Salento.
For more info. Regarding the Essex thesis system see: https://www1.essex.ac.uk/students/exams-and-coursework/documents/roa/17-18/masters-17.pdf
Students will be awarded both an Essex Masters academic transcript and award certificate in Translation Interpretation and Subtitling (in English) and a Salento Masters academic transcript and award certificate (in English and Italian) from Salento in Traduzione Tecnico-Scientifica e Interpretariato.
Italian and other EU students applying for the Dual Degree Programme will pay first year fees normally at Salento.
In the second year, students will pay their fees first to the University of Salento which will then send the sum to Essex (minus taxes for ERDISU and stamp duties). Students will then pay the remaining fees to Essex .
Salento students completing their year at Essex under this agreement will be eligible to receive a substantial tuition fee discount compared to standard International student fees.
Students from Salento joining Essex through the 1+1 dual awards masters link are entitled to receive a 15% discount on the published tuition fee, plus an additional Masters (PGT) EU Scholarship of £5,500 if they register with Essex in October 2022 or January 2023.
Published tuition fee for international students without the Essex discount £18,800 (as of April 2021). Guaranteed fees for students enrolling at Essex (2021-2022) are £10,480 (roughly €12,000).
For BPP Italian Bank loans for Unisalento students see here
Costs in Essex (2020 prices):
In general the total cost would be less than spending a year doing an equivalent Master in Milan.
Living costs are cheaper than London. Student on campusis between a minimum of £100 and a maximum of £150/week (housing off campus is cheaper). Food and other costs will not be significantly different to Italian costs.
You also have the opportunity to take part in seminars delivered by DG Interpretation (DG SCIC) and DG Translation at the European Commission during our optional annual trip to Brussels. The additional cost for this is £250, depending on your mode of travel.
Students have free access to all facilities during their studies. All sport and other non-course activities are almost free (Polo costs £20.00/year, all other sports £10.00).
Health insurance is regulated by the rules of each University.
Work opportunities:
There are numerous opportunities for you to gain work experience across our campuses. Many of these are advertised on the Essex CareerHub vacancy board. However, there are many other ways to gain valuable experience and get involved, such as our frontrunners and Student Ambassadors schemes which also offer paid work experience.
The Big Essex Award allows you to get recognition for your extra-curricular activities, which once completed will be recorded on your HEAR (Higher Education Achievement Report), the new online transcript. All the opportunities detailed here count towards the award.
Student Union Jobs:
· SU Bar, Top Bar, Level Up or Sub Zero
· The Store, The Kitchen, The Burrow or Everything Essex
· Frango's or Mondos
· Reception, Advice Centre or Finance
· Promotions and Marketing
· Events and Entertainments
· Premises
There are numerous opportunities for you to gain work experience across our campuses. Many of these are advertised on the Essex CareerHub vacancy board. However, there are many other ways to gain valuable experience and get involved, such as our frontrunners and Student Ambassadors schemes which also offer paid work experience.
What is frontrunners?
Anda tells us about the skills she gained and work she carried out as part of her Crime Research placement.
§ Watch more videos on our Vimeo channel
Frontrunners is our unique on-campus paid placement scheme, allowing you to develop your skills during term time or over the summer, and gain real work experience.
Each year over 100 placements are advertised across all departments at Colchester, Loughton and Southend. If you're looking to develop your professional skills in a real work setting, find out what current placements are available.
What a placement involves and the benefits
All placements offer the opportunity to develop the higher-level skills you'll need to compete in the job market, so you'll be involved in working on real tasks, projects and work.
Experience needed varies by placement but the majority require some knowledge of IT, communication skills and the ability to learn. You don't need lots of previous work experience and many of the skills can be transferred from your experiences of studying and/or volunteering.
Your completed placement and any training will be eligible for the Big Essex award. Your supervisor will be able to write a reference for you detailing the work you've been involved in.
Placement levels
There are currently two placement levels. Frontrunners is for those with limited experience and frontrunners plus with some experience. The placement duties and requirements reflect the difference in level.
The frontrunners level is open to all students that have had little or no previous experience of work. These placements offer you the opportunity to gain that first experience. Once you've completed a frontrunner level placement you're then only eligible to apply for frontrunner plus placements.
Frontrunner plus
Frontrunner plus is open to all students. You don't need to have completed a frontrunner placement before applying for a frontrunners plus placement. However, once you've completed this type of placement, you're not eligible to apply for a frontrunner level placement.
Placement hours and timings
· When placements run
· Placement hours
There may be some core hours when you will be required to work but frontrunners aims to be flexible so you can fit work in around your studies.
Each placement has a limited number of hours funded, which will be listed in the job description when you apply. The maximum number of hours you can work each week depends on whether the placement is over the summer vacation or during term time.
Term-time placement hours
You can work up to 10 hours a week for placements starting in the Autumn Term (September or November). This also applies over the Christmas and Easter breaks.
Summer vacation placement hours
You can work up to 20 hours per week over the summer vacation.
Pay (not updated since pre Covid)
The frontrunners wage is only a very small part of the overall benefit to you as a student and a future graduate. It's about giving you valuable work experience, as well as the chance to develop the skills graduate employers are looking for.
Current rates
§ Frontrunners: £7.05/hour
Aged 18-20:£5.90 per hour
Aged 21-24:£7.38 per hour
Post Brexit fees confirmed for students studying at Essex 2021-2022/2022-2023. See below. Make sure you state that you are applying to Essex through a link partner University BY JANUARY 2023
Dual Degree (MA)
Laurea magistrale in traduzione tecnico-scientifica e Interpretariato (University of Salento)
Master Degree in Translation, Interpreting and Subtitling (University of Essex)
The Essex site: https://www.essex.ac.uk/courses/pg00836/1/ma-translation-interpreting-and-subtitling
Essex created Youtube videos:
Ignazia PosedinU (Course coordinator and professor of Italian/English): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVNWVVuPE64
Reflections from students:
Overall view of the course: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aPR7bkw6ug
Italian/English https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2f8Iye6dQ4
German/English: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yal4BzxlKy0
French/English: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ihf2NIWfVfE
Salento created:
Interview between David Katan and Italian MA graduate (in Italian):
Italian Specialistica Degree plus English (2nd level) Masters Degree
2. Guaranteed completion of both degrees in 2 years (the actual degree ceremony is in October/November). This means you will not pay university fees for a third year, which is often the case remaining in Salento.
3. Full immersion in Translation and Interpreting. One ancilliary option (including Literature inglese / or Psicologia del linguaggio) is not part of the course. This means that you only need to acquire 40 CFU (compared to 60 CFU following the Salento track) in the first year. Your second year will be identical to an Essex student’s course, and 30CFU (compared to 12 CFU) is awarded for the thesis, which will grow out of guided class work either in translation or in interpreting.
4. Full immersion for 12 months in the UK to acquire C2 mastery in English, an in-depth understanding of British (and international) communication styles, of British culture with all its ethnic elements
5. High visibility for the job market working in English. Whatever the Brexit agreements, you can still work with British clients.
6. First class education facilities: library and computer labs open 24/7, individual mentoring ,
7. The experience of a lifetime! Essex University was awarded “University of the Year 2018” according to the Times Higher Education Awards. SEE https://www.essex.ac.uk/news/2018/11/30/essex-is-university-of-the-year.
Their own site says the following:
Our MA Translation, Interpreting and Subtitling is the first of its kind to offer written translation, oral interpreting and film and video subtitling within a single course. This complete and integrated approach to language services is demanding but it provides you with the expertise to work as a freelance or in-house translator in business, film, TV or tourism.
We are a leading UK university for language and linguistics research (REF 2014), a place where talented students become part of an academic community in which the majority of research is rated ‘world-leading’ or ‘internationally excellent’ (REF 2014), placing us firmly within the top 10 departments in the UK and ranked among the top 150 Linguistics departments in the world (QS World University Rankings 2018).
If you want a global outlook, are interested in human communication, and want to study for a degree with real-world practical value in a world-class department, welcome to Essex.
Have a look at the Youtube videos (just search "Essex University interpreting") made by the Director Ignazia Posadinu and by other Essex students (including Italians) who followed the MA course at Lecce.
Also if you are interested write to me david.katan@unisalento.it for more information, for an appointment in my office or for contact numbers of previous students from Lecce going to Essex for an MA (for the moment non Translation/Interpreting students as this is our first year !)
(At Lecce). Selective oral language and translation test of Italian and English. Entry level for English is B2 for Italian students, and B2 for Italian for incoming Essex students
SEE https://www.letterelinguebbcc.unisalento.it/web/852109/772?articolo=2
(At Essex) Application through UCAS
Campus: City Hub – Lecce/ Campus, Colchester (Essex)
Career opportunities Translation and Interpretation, and related.
Course outline The course provides theoretical and practical skills in translation (transcreation, subtitling, CAT tools) and interpreting (dialogue, consecutive and simultaneous). Though the focus is principally on developing language, translation and interpreting skills there are also modules on principles of translation as well as core subject areas such as cinema, economics, sociolinguistics, tourism and intercultural communication. The thesis will be based on a classroom project.
Languages: English only; English plus French, German, Portuguese, Spanish. For the moment Arabic, Chinese, Japanese and Russian are not possible language combinations with Essex.
The only way to study them would one of the following options:
Your 1st year language is in the first semester and your 2nd year language is in the 2nd semester. This is highly unlikely, as it depends on the organisation of the timetable which has to fit a number of other needs.
After having finished (and obtained) your 2nd year in Essex, you take your 2nd year language course during what would be your 3rd year at Salento, and finish at the first available graduation ceremony after passing your 2nd language 2nd year course exam.
The course structure:
The courses in the first year include:
1 English course (Cross Cultural Tourism)
1 other 2nd Language course (English, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish)
1 Italian-English Tourism Translation (usually 2nd year for Salento students)
1 optional (Italian Sociolinguistics / Phonetics / Theory of Signs)
1 optional (Management / Digital Marketing
4 credits from any other Optional course
The courses in the second year include:
2nd language course (or Audiovisual Translation for English only)
1 Principles of Translation
1 Technologies of Translation
2 Translation practice (It-Eng-It)
1 Subtitling (It-Eng-It)
2 Interpretation practice (It-Eng-It)
For more detailed information regarding the Essex course modules and thesis See: https://www.essex.ac.uk/courses/pg00836/1/ma-translation-interpreting-and-subtitling
Students will normally take the LM/94 Admission Exam in September (or exceptionally in December) and will follow the Dual Degree Programme. Students will be expected to obtain all 40 CFU by the end of the Autumn exams (September) gaining at least 26/30 in Lingua Inglese. Essex University will arbitrate on any non-conforming cases.
Course timetable:
Year I: Salento 2021-2022.
Courses: September 2022- May 2023
Exams: June-August (with a pass in all courses. 40 CFU). NB. There must be a mark of minimum 26 for the course Cross Cultural Tourism (in Salento named Lingua e traduzione lingua inglese).
You can formalise your Essex path at any time from September 2022, and you can return to the Salento path at any time, with no penalty. All you need is a formal email to the Unisalento Secretary.
By January 2023 make an application to Essex https://www1.essex.ac.uk/pgapply/login.aspx to ensure the Fees (see at end). Early application has NO commitment attached, but does mean that you are informed about what to do next, and will give you more choice egarding accommodation possibilities
By August 2023 You MUST have your 40 CFU before you enter Essex, meaning that you must pass your exams during the Summer session. You will need to go to your personal Unisalento page > concorsi/immatricolazione > certificati > Autodichiarazione iscrizioni-esami ING print, sign and upload onto the Essex portal.
Year 2: Essex 2022-2023
Courses: September 4 2023 –May 2024
Thesis: June-September 2024 (with Essex)
Graduation: November 2024.
Thesis organisation:
In general all students (of Salento and of Essex) will write their Masters dissertation (average 16,000 words) at Essex. The student will hand in her/his thesis to the Essex supervisor (by end of September of the year in Essex). The thesis mark is worth a third of the final mark, and is divided into three levels: 50% (‘pass’) 60% (‘merit) e 70% (‘distinction’). After the marks have been presented to the board in Essex in November, a transcript is sent to Salento.
The Essex mark will be converted into CFU and added to the 1st year mark. To this final mark will be added:
1 point for the having completed the course within 2 years (‘in corso’)
1 point for having taken exams abroad
0,25 points for up to 4 exams for every “lode”
Graduates will also have the option to take part in the thesis viva ceremony at Salento.
For more info. Regarding the Essex thesis system see: https://www1.essex.ac.uk/students/exams-and-coursework/documents/roa/17-18/masters-17.pdf
Students will be awarded both an Essex Masters academic transcript and award certificate in Translation Interpretation and Subtitling (in English) and a Salento Masters academic transcript and award certificate (in English and Italian) from Salento in Traduzione Tecnico-Scientifica e Interpretariato.
Italian and other EU students applying for the Dual Degree Programme will pay first year fees normally at Salento.
In the second year, students will pay their fees first to the University of Salento which will then send the sum to Essex (minus taxes for ERDISU and stamp duties). Students will then pay the remaining fees to Essex .
Salento students completing their year at Essex under this agreement will be eligible to receive a substantial tuition fee discount compared to standard International student fees.
Students from Salento joining Essex through the 1+1 dual awards masters link are entitled to receive a 15% discount on the published tuition fee, plus an additional Masters (PGT) EU Scholarship of £5,500 if they register with Essex in October 2022 or January 2023.
Published tuition fee for international students without the Essex discount £18,800 (as of April 2021). Guaranteed fees for students enrolling at Essex (2021-2022) are £10,480 (roughly €12,000).
For BPP Italian Bank loans for Unisalento students see here
Costs in Essex (2020 prices):
In general the total cost would be less than spending a year doing an equivalent Master in Milan.
Living costs are cheaper than London. Student on campusis between a minimum of £100 and a maximum of £150/week (housing off campus is cheaper). Food and other costs will not be significantly different to Italian costs.
You also have the opportunity to take part in seminars delivered by DG Interpretation (DG SCIC) and DG Translation at the European Commission during our optional annual trip to Brussels. The additional cost for this is £250, depending on your mode of travel.
Students have free access to all facilities during their studies. All sport and other non-course activities are almost free (Polo costs £20.00/year, all other sports £10.00).
Health insurance is regulated by the rules of each University.
Work opportunities:
There are numerous opportunities for you to gain work experience across our campuses. Many of these are advertised on the Essex CareerHub vacancy board. However, there are many other ways to gain valuable experience and get involved, such as our frontrunners and Student Ambassadors schemes which also offer paid work experience.
The Big Essex Award allows you to get recognition for your extra-curricular activities, which once completed will be recorded on your HEAR (Higher Education Achievement Report), the new online transcript. All the opportunities detailed here count towards the award.
Student Union Jobs:
· SU Bar, Top Bar, Level Up or Sub Zero
· The Store, The Kitchen, The Burrow or Everything Essex
· Frango's or Mondos
· Reception, Advice Centre or Finance
· Promotions and Marketing
· Events and Entertainments
· Premises
There are numerous opportunities for you to gain work experience across our campuses. Many of these are advertised on the Essex CareerHub vacancy board. However, there are many other ways to gain valuable experience and get involved, such as our frontrunners and Student Ambassadors schemes which also offer paid work experience.
What is frontrunners?
Anda tells us about the skills she gained and work she carried out as part of her Crime Research placement.
§ Watch more videos on our Vimeo channel
Frontrunners is our unique on-campus paid placement scheme, allowing you to develop your skills during term time or over the summer, and gain real work experience.
Each year over 100 placements are advertised across all departments at Colchester, Loughton and Southend. If you're looking to develop your professional skills in a real work setting, find out what current placements are available.
What a placement involves and the benefits
All placements offer the opportunity to develop the higher-level skills you'll need to compete in the job market, so you'll be involved in working on real tasks, projects and work.
Experience needed varies by placement but the majority require some knowledge of IT, communication skills and the ability to learn. You don't need lots of previous work experience and many of the skills can be transferred from your experiences of studying and/or volunteering.
Your completed placement and any training will be eligible for the Big Essex award. Your supervisor will be able to write a reference for you detailing the work you've been involved in.
Placement levels
There are currently two placement levels. Frontrunners is for those with limited experience and frontrunners plus with some experience. The placement duties and requirements reflect the difference in level.
The frontrunners level is open to all students that have had little or no previous experience of work. These placements offer you the opportunity to gain that first experience. Once you've completed a frontrunner level placement you're then only eligible to apply for frontrunner plus placements.
Frontrunner plus
Frontrunner plus is open to all students. You don't need to have completed a frontrunner placement before applying for a frontrunners plus placement. However, once you've completed this type of placement, you're not eligible to apply for a frontrunner level placement.
Placement hours and timings
· When placements run
· Placement hours
There may be some core hours when you will be required to work but frontrunners aims to be flexible so you can fit work in around your studies.
Each placement has a limited number of hours funded, which will be listed in the job description when you apply. The maximum number of hours you can work each week depends on whether the placement is over the summer vacation or during term time.
Term-time placement hours
You can work up to 10 hours a week for placements starting in the Autumn Term (September or November). This also applies over the Christmas and Easter breaks.
Summer vacation placement hours
You can work up to 20 hours per week over the summer vacation.
Pay (not updated since pre Covid)
The frontrunners wage is only a very small part of the overall benefit to you as a student and a future graduate. It's about giving you valuable work experience, as well as the chance to develop the skills graduate employers are looking for.
Current rates
§ Frontrunners: £7.05/hour
Aged 18-20:£5.90 per hour
Aged 21-24:£7.38 per hour